For the Love of… Authenticity:
Real Experiences from Real People Living Life in HD

We value transparency and authenticity at Highland Duds—which is why we decided to hit the streets in search of real people wearing our clothing, and find out exactly how our designs impact people’s lives.

The following three interviews are real, first-hand experiences of what we call, “living life in HD”. Keep reading to discover how living life in Highland Duds makes life easier, elevates style and contributes to success…


For the Love of… “Family”

HD Has Chris Yarrow - C0-Founder and Managing Partner of The Hiring Group, IT Recruiting - Living His Best Life.

Chris Yarrow Highland Duds

For the love of ‘_____’.  Finish the sentence as it relates to what you do and what you’re passionate about.

My Family…they are the reason I do all of this. Cliché maybe, but they are both the motivation and the reward.

What inspires you to do what you do?

I want to take care of my THG family while we change our  industry for the better, one client at a time.

How would you describe your style when it comes to clothing?

I have slowly transitioned from wearing business attire every day, to wearing much more casual looks. I still look sharp enough to go to a meeting if needed, but am rarely wearing a dress shirt or dress shoes anymore. My winter work wardrobe is nice pair of fitted pants and a thin crewneck sweater pretty much every day. Then my shoe choice can either dress it up or make it more casual.

My winter work wardrobe is a nice pair of fitted pants and a thin crewneck sweaterpretty much every day. Then my shoe choice can either dress it up or make it more casual. 


How much thought do you usually put into deciding what to wear each day?

I am always conscious of what I have in my closet, and I hate being late, so by the time I get out of the shower I know what I am going to wear that day.

How much would you say your clothing choice contributes to your success on a daily basis?

It’s funny, I used to think that I worked harder when I was wearing a more traditional business uniform (dress shirt, slacks, spit polished dress shoes, etc.)— but that was just because it is what I had always worn. Now I focus more on wearing clothes that are comfortable, make me look good, and help me represent well in the community as an owner of a successful local company. Wearing quality clothes that are more in style actually makes me feel more successful than a suit ever did.  

Wearing quality clothes that are more in style, actually makes me feel more successful than a suit ever did.


How does Highland Duds impact what you love to do each day? 

I think HD clothes make me more relatable to our younger employees. My style is now more in line with what they see as professional, and truthfully, I can probably thank them for some of my style choices. 

What does ‘living your life in HD’ mean to you? 

I think it ties in nicely with the popular idea today of living your best life.


For the Love of… “Entrepreneurship

Matt Tatro – Chief Technology Officer, FIOS Insight Business Architecture - Loves HD, And His Wife Does Too.

matt highland duds interview

For the love of ‘_____’.  Finish the sentence as it relates to what you do and what you’re passionate about.

For the love of entrepreneurship. I love changing the ways things were done in the past to something that is cheaper, faster, better and more intuitive. Especially in markets that have been stagnant for a while. 

I love changing the way things were done in the past to something that is cheaper, faster, better and more intuitive. 

What inspires you to do what you do? 

We build solutions that solve old problems with new approaches by using technology and process to make business solutions more tangible. I personally do this as I cannot sit still and always want to find new ways to improve myself and the life of others. Hey, at 55 I just had twins – my first set of amazing daughters are 26 & 24.

How would you describe your style when it comes to clothing?

Simple and understated. 

How much thought do you usually put into deciding what to wear each day? 

It has to match and look good. Highland Duds makes that easy for me. It doesn’t take a lot of time for me to figure out what to wear – I’m pragmatic.

The quality of the product, the style, the color choices… all these aspects of HD make my life a little better. The feel of the fabric is amazing; my wife loves it too – big bonus.

How much would you say your clothing choice contributes to your success on a daily basis?

 The older I get, the more I listen to my wife and daughters in terms of clothing choices; and the more I do that, the more I see just how much my clothing choices contribute to my success.

How does Highland Duds impact what you love to do each day?

It allows me to look good with little effort. I have a very busy life.

What does ‘living your life in HD’ mean to you?

The quality of the product, the style, the color choices… all these aspects of HD make my life a little better. The feel of the fabric is amazing; my wife loves it too – big bonus.


For the Love of… “Finances”

HD Helps PJ Foster – Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager, PNC Bank -  Look His Best, Feel His Best & Be the Best at Whatever He Does 

HD Helps PJ Foster

For the love of ‘_____’.  Finish the sentence as it relates to what you do and what you’re passionate about.

For the love of finances! I’m currently working in the banking industry and have been for almost 3 years…I help people find ways to budget and live just a little bit more stress-free.  I love seeing my client’s faces when we’re able to work together to help their given situation. 

What inspires you to do what you do? 

I love helping my clients, but that’s not all. My job provides me with a great work/life balance— allowing me to enjoy important quality time with my wife, my son and the rest of our family and friends.

How would you describe your style when it comes to clothing? 

 I’m a man that loves to look presentable at all times. For my 9-5, you will catch me in business attire. On the weekends, I dress more casual— jeans and a t-shirt (with a hoodie when it’s cold outside).

How much thought do you usually put into deciding what to wear each day?

I’m picky when it comes to my clothes, so I take my time to decide. Now— that doesn’t mean I’m in my closet actually looking at options. I spend lots of time thinking about what I’ll wear the next day so that it’s perfect for the occasion.

How much would you say your clothing choice contributes to your success on a daily basis?

Presentation is everything! In my line of work, clients expect you to look the part. I have to present myself to my clients in a manner that puts them at ease, since we are talking about their finances and their livelihood.  That being said, I have to do my best to look my best.

How does Highland Duds impact what you love to do each day?

 Wearing Highland Duds makes me feel good about my attire and the way I look while also keeping me comfortable.  The Ivy Leaguer button up shirts are the best! I can wear it to work with a tie and feel extremely confident. After work, I take off my tie for cocktail hour and still look nice!  

Wearing Highland Duds makes me feel good about my attire and the way I look while also keeping me comfortable.


What does ‘living your life in HD’ mean to you?

‘Living your life in HD’ can mean a multitude of things; but to me, it encompasses three things: Looking your best, feeling your best, and being the best at whatever it is you happen to be doing.

Not only did these three participants help us gain insight on just how much our brand influences the lives of our customers— they provided us with motivation to keep living our own lives in HD!

We have just one question for you…


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